Welcome to the KVS club Pilsen!

Welcome to the website of the water polo club KVS Pilsen. Here you can find up-to-date information about our club's events, our training sessions and our players' competitions.

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 email Write us kvsplzen@seznam.czCzech Water Polo Association


Come to us !!

Recruitment of children aged 6-16

We have a water polo school: WE 18:15-19:15, FR 17:30-19:30 h - children from the age of 6 - through a playful way the children learn how to swim and the more talented even the basics of water pol


Last messages

First to: 04/08/2024Redaktor | 22/02/2024

Příměstský tábor u Seneckého rybníka 2024

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Andrea S | 08/06/2024

1. liga st. dorostu - Děčín - 8.-9.6.2024 - MISTŘI ČR 2023-2024

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Andrea S | 01/06/2024

1. liga st. dorostu - Brno - 18.-19.5.2024

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